Thursday, September 22, 2016

HELP! I need a professional to take this tree down!

Whether the result of a storm or simply the decision to add beauty to your property, trees sometimes need to be taken down. When that day comes, it’s important to know your limits and when it’s time to call a professional. Even if your tree is nowhere near your home or business and you think you can go it alone – think again and get it done safely and soundly. There’s much more to ‘cutting down a tree’ that most people don’t think about. Here to help you think about it, are the following reminders from the professionals:
Big tree + big crack = big problem
Any time a tree is cracked and is leaning, it’s ready to fall at any moment – pick up the phone. Over time, trees may lean and eventually fall both by natural and man-made causes. To help manage the cutting and removal, no one is better equipped or qualified than a certified tree removal service.
Damaged goods
After a storm or major weather event that damages surrounding trees, it’s highly recommended to contact a professional tree service. Safely removing storm-damaged trees may require specialized equipment and coordination with local utility companies.
If there is a tree or local area that has been infested with termites, fungus or wood-decaying organisms, chances are good that any tree will rot and die. Before the tree falls on its own, call a professional trimming service or arborist to understand the extent of potential problems to either correct the problem or ultimately, remove the tree.
The dead or declining tree
Trees that are dead should be removed by a professional service as soon as possible. The more time that passes, the more unstable the tree becomes – making it impossible to be climbed and requiring costly, specialized equipment.
Beauty or beast?
Sometimes a tree needs to come down because of aesthetic reasons or overgrowth areas. Trees grow best when they don’t need to compete for sun, soil and water. In any of these events, put away the chainsaw and call the professionals to take the tree down.

Many times, tree removal requires permits from local governments/municipalities so hiring a professional is always the best option not to mention convenience, safety and insurance. Give yourself peace of mind and don’t take the chance – call the professionals!

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